Pet Blog

Showing: 25 - 30 of 78 RESULTS

Benefits of dog puzzle toys

Many people think of pet toys as simple plastic objects that animals chew on. However, there are toys specially designed to help your dog stay healthy. Dog puzzle toys are specifically made to challenge your dog to get a treat after solving a puzzle. It is important to note that the puzzles come in three …


How Cbd Oil Can Benefit Your Dog

A lot of people are familiar with CBD oil because it’s used to relieve pain and anxiety in humans, but did you know that this same oil can be used on your dog? CBD oil contains cannabidiol (CBD), which is an antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation in the body, making it ideal for helping your …


Stress reduction for cats

There were no bills, no obligations, just limitless hours of hitting toys behind the furniture, dozing in soft sherpa beds, and watching birds fly around the feeder outside the living room window. From the outside, the life of a spoiled house cat appears to be rather pleasant. So it’s surprising to hear that our cats’ …


Ways to calm your anxious pet dog

Anxiety is not only a human issue; dogs also face them, just like experiencing other unhealthy activities like biting randomly, barking excessively, and chewing on everything. These signs can prove they are facing anxiety that can be treated. Anxiety can be cured calmly, but sometimes it can only be treated by calming dog treats. While …