Each dog has a distinct personality. Because of this, each dog’s response to a car ride is different. Even Nevertheless, more than 70% of dogs show signs of anxiety, which are typically centered around automobiles. What can automobile owners do to help their pets feel more at peace while commuting? The following guidance is for owners who want to support their dogs that have automobile phobia.
First, there are several reasons why a dog might show signs of travel anxiety. One of the main causes is motion sickness. Dogs can experience vehicle sickness just as people. Puppy suffer from this in particular because their ears and sense of balance are still developing. Motion sickness in the puppy may subside, but there may still be a connection between driving and poor health.
Other factors, such as overstimulation or a recent traffic accident, may also be to blame for the dog’s fear. Numerous things, such moving automobiles or loud, unfamiliar noises that tax the sense of hearing, might cause a sensory overload. Such unpleasant emotions might get out of hand and lead to stress and anxiety. Not to mention the possibility that the dog will associate long car trips with tiresome doctor visits.
Which signs or symptoms should dog owners be aware of before traveling? As different as personalities are, so are the symptoms of a condition. An increase in panting, chewing, licking, drooling, whining, or shivering are typical signs of stress in dogs. In more severe circumstances, premature urination or feces, nausea, diarrhea, or even a response, may occur. The owners must immediately seek professional training if their dog reacts violently to a fear of cars. If not, the dog might put both itself and other people in risk.
What else can pet owners do to help a scared dog? Given the severity of the issue, there are a number of treatments available, including prescription drugs, calming pheromone products, best dog treats, anti-anxiety compression jackets and collars, as well as over-the-counter calming goods made specifically for dogs. These are often short-term solutions with no long-term effects. The experts agree that training and behavior modification are the most effective long-term strategies for ensuring your dog’s success while traveling.
Although it’s ideal to teach a pet to become accustomed to the car when it’s young, owners can teach an older dog new abilities and keep their composure in a moving car using a variety of methods. For more details on lowering a canine travel companion’s anxiety, please see the infographic below.