Every responsible pet owner should take their puppy to a veterinarian for regular dog vaccination schedules in Singapore. Like shots for their pawrents, vaccines can protect your pup from various ailments that could trouble their bodily functions and appearance. Having your trusted vet administer these substances can keep your dog from getting rabies, distemper, and canine parvovirus.
But before taking your dog to a pet clinic in Singapore, you should learn how to prepare them for such visits. You will not want them to feel stressed about getting vaccinated or seeing a veterinarian since it could affect their body’s reception to their shots. Read on to learn how to prepare your pup for vaccinations.
Numerous veterinarians want patient checkups scheduled—especially if their visits are only for a dog or cat vaccination in Singapore. Having a clear lineup of patients will allow them to stay organised while keeping you and your pet from waiting a while to get accommodated, preventing them from feeling stressed.
Toys and treats can distract your dog from their vet clinic visit in Singapore. Additionally, bringing their favourite ball or snack can help them associate checkups and vaccinations with positive experiences.
If you plan to take your pet to a clinic for the first time, try to make them feel comfortable about travelling. Doing so will keep them from feeling stressed before arriving at their vet’s office.
Whether you are bringing your dog for vaccination or your cat for sterilization in Singapore, try to be as calm as possible. Your furry friend will become worried if they see you anxious when taking them to the vet.
Remember the tips above before going to My Family Vet Clinic and Surgery to prepare your dog for vaccination. Visit their website to book your pup’s shot schedule at their facility.